EESystem ™
24 units
Photonic Fusion Bio-Scalar Technology
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
A world renowned expert in Scalar Energy and Applied integrative Bio-physicist Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has been working more than 4 decades to advocate holistic healing. She first developed Scalar Healing Light Chamber in 1978 and done extensive research since then. She had worked on the Med Bed technology in Space programs and acquainted with many top scientists and doctors who had verified her Award-winning, cutting-edge EESystem™ technology. She lectured in prestigious Universities and numerous medical schools worldwide. She has also been knighted for her humanatarian service in bringing positive change to the world in her lifework. Apart from her astounding scientific and professional achievement, she is also an Energy Healer and is deeply spiritual in her approach to life.
According to Dr. Michael, the core of our bio-photonic DNA is made of stardust/ star seeds/ light within our body. We are literally Beings of Light. As a result of exposing to this high-tech bio-active scalar wave energy, it restores the memory of our infinite potential by re-generating our cells and DNA. The EESystem™ also helps to eliminate heavy metals, carcinogens, radiation, and isotopes (misbalanced atoms) in the body. After initial elimination process, the scalar frequency waves then repair broken DNA and lengthen the telomeres (which reverse the aging process). The system intentionally designed to multiple functions: to activate, assimilate the 12 strands DNA, 12 chakras system and the latent ability of DNA, contains stem cells treatment, dolphins & whales frequency, rainforest frequency, Fibonacci ratio & golden mean which all interface with DNA through cellular replication.
This high-tech Photonic Bio-Scalar technology uses the power made by the body (i.e. cosmic light/cosmic consciousness/5D energies) to allow the body to heal itself. The generation of a bio-scalar, zero-point energy field* is where cell regeneration occurs.
All living things are connected in a Unified, morphogenetic field where everything is affecting everything, thus is called ‘Quantum entanglement’. When we heal ourselves, we heal the planet. When we lift our vibration & frequency, we lift others around us. What happen to the Earth affects the whole multiverse. It’s time to awaken our Truth and realize the importance of each one of us in this fabric of reality. We are part of Oneness.
“We are made of stardust, starseeds (light).”
“The power that made the body, heals the body.”
— Dr. Sandra Rose Michael
How does it work? Body battery charger
Zero-point energy field generates self-healing and bio-coherence
Some of the Powerful Benefits:
HOW EES WORKS – More detailed version
Carol explains how EESystem works in a more detailed version, based on Jason Shurka & Dr. Michael’s info.
Cutting edge Energy Medicine that repair, regenerate DNA on cellular level.
Tree of Life – Whole Breath of Creation, Toroidal field
Recent discovery of water exploration in our drinking (Bio-scalar) water in EESystem™ by using NZ Water Researcher, Veda Austin‘s method.
To learn more about her method or join her workshop: Home |

Evidence of EESystem™
Clinical Proven Researches:
*Some Testimonials and findings from Dr. Michael based on 4 -8 units systems:
Everyone’s experience is different, no one session is the same but it has been clinically studied and witnessed many cases which considered to be ‘miracles’ with some of the benefits listed above.*
Results may vary on individual basis. Information and statements made on the webpage are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)/Energy Medicine NZ are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.
The practitioner or centre that provides the EESystem service has no guarantee of the results from treatment and is not operating as a medical doctor or medical consultant.
The practitioner or the centre is not responsible for the relief or lack of relief of symptoms.
The practitioner or the centre accepts no responsibility for the client once they leave the treatment rooms.
All information provided by the client will be strictly kept confidential.
When you booked the EESystem session, it indicated you understand and accept the disclaimer by taking responsibility of your decision in healing and own well-being.