EES Testimonials
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Recently had an EESystem session? Share your personal experience to help spread awareness of what this amazing technology can do to help others.
Live Blood Analysis on a 32 Years Old Female Before and After (2 hours) EESystem in our 8 units
Before EES: Red blood cells shows deflation, reduced volume due to stress or anemia. Ribbed cells indicate oxidative stress. Cells sticking together.
After EES: Red Blood Cells have more integrity, strength and ability to hold more light shown in membrane walls and spacing of cells indicting reduce in clotting. Cells also have increased their capacity to optimum shape and form.
– Aimee, 2023
Global Health Clinic NZ- Live Blood Analysis
Live & Dry Blood Analysis on a 36 Years Old Male Before and After Overnight (12 hours) EESystem in our 8 units
Before overnight: Weak membranes and glow in center indicates lowered immunity. Lemon shaped cells indicates corrugated cells and protein linkage. Overlapping and crowded cells.
Dry Blood Analysis: Weaker fibrin network in malabsorption of nutrients and proteins. Dark area showing stress and toxicity.
After overnight: Cell membranes recovered integrity, strength, shape and fluidity. Allow blood flow easier with less congestion, lessen chance of blood clots. Dry Blood Analysis: Stronger fibrin network, increase strength of blood and ability to utilize proteins to clot when oxidized. Stress and toxicity patterns have evidently mitigated.
Conclusion: EESystem has profound effect on Human Blood Cells. Blood is the carrier fluid to Clean, Nourish and Repair the Human Body. Only after Blood is in a healthy state is the body then able to repair/detox any damage done to organs and tissues. It is in my opinion that the EESystem is a very effective and safe way to jumpstart the healing process.
– Aimee, 2023
Global Health Clinic NZ- Live & Dry Blood Analysis
Thanks again to Carol and Chris for our lovely couple of nights followed by the Bio-Cleanse sessions. Mum just reported to me on the phone that she has felt a surprising shift in the way she is feeling in general- more relaxed, less needing to do-do-do etc. That is a LOT for her. We had such a wonderful time while she was here from Australia.
– Zona, 2024
I treated myself to an overnight session, to be honest I was excited and also a bit wondering how I would react to being in the room for 12 hours. From the moment I walked in I felt so cared for at many different levels! It felt like coming home to me, I slept on and off during the night. Felt super relaxed and clear in the morning. I had a Bio-Cleanse foot detox the next morning. I highly recommended this, felt like an internal shower. I had to make sure to ground myself before driving, what an amazing experience what an amazing world I just came out of! I am planning to have an overnight every so often as m health is my most important asset.
– Elisabeth, 2024
Thank you very much for the EES yesterday. It was very relaxing and healing! Everything is much better and I feel very connected with the Divine. I materialize very fast everything I want. I am sure the 3 sessions of 5D Quantum Healing with Carol I did before also help me progress.
– Ioana, 2024
The ESS System has been a game-changer for me. It provides incredible energy, significantly reduces pain, and improves my mobility. I feel revitalized and more active every day. Highly recommend!
– Gavin, 2024
We had an overnight experience. It was such a special feeling in the room. We felt very comfortable and at ease. Deeply relaxing. We can settle in meditation easily. Physical sensations during the process were gentle vibrations through the hands. Follow the day, we have been feeling truly grounded with clear minded thinking. Two days later we were both feeling more relaxed during the working hours and sleeping better at night. We highly recommended and will return.
– B & Wi, 2023
I left my first overnight session feeling incredibly upbeat, balanced, energized and positive. It was over a beautiful experience in a beautiful room – like a wee retreat sanctuary in the middle of Auckland. If I could do an overnight every night I would! Carol and Chris are genuinely wonderful hosts and clearly passionate about the incredible benefits of EES.
– Zona, 2023
We were absolutely blown away by the wonderful reception and welcome we received by Chris & Carol at their EES Centre in Auckland.
From the moment we met them both to seeing how beautifully laid out the room was for us we felt very special and completely treated!
Our experience was incredibly uplifting. The room was so tranquil – all the lovely details had been thought of. We loved every moment!
We know there was a lot of healing at many levels and understand that as the energy system enables the body to heal itself – this is an essential emotional and spiritual experience.
Thank you so much to you both – we will be back!
– Chris & Robyn, 2023
From my first session at EESystem I noticed that the varicose veins I have had for many years were noticeably better – and my second session continued the healing even more! This system is the best, easiest, and most pleasant way to get rid of varicose veins that I have ever heard of!
– Ellen, 2024
I visited for the first time recently my 11yr old as she spends a lot of time in hospitals due to a rare degenerative disease so we thought we’d give the 2hr session a try to see how it goes. The session was super relaxing and we both enjoyed a good nap, however it wasn’t until afterwards I realized how profound the healing experience was! All feelings of stress and anxiety I had were gone and my daughter said she felt super happy (I would describe elated!) with no pain in her body at all. I even saw chakra colours appear during meditation for the first time. An amazing experience which we are so grateful for! we’d love to do this again.
– Nadia, 2024
I discovered EES about 3 months ago and tried a couple of single sessions and then did the overnight stays with my husband and the dog sleeping in the car. What we noticed is feeling peaceful relaxed renewed and more energy. Many thanks and we will be back.
– Claudine, 2024
I have been a few times for EESystem sessions at this beautiful, peaceful sanctuary that Carol and Chris have created. They are such warm, lovely accommodating hosts. Over time I am experiencing some deep emotional releases taking place and some profound spiritual insights unfolding.
I’m feeling way more grounded. I’ve also noticing some amazing changes taking place in my work recently, feeling and being more creative, which is paramount for me. Manifesting more of what I truly require to be a better version of myself and so I can also be of help to humanity and Mother Gia and beyond…
– Vic, 2024
My shoulder felt a lot better. My sister said her ankle doesn’t hurt anymore and we both were really energized after waking up. Thank you again! One of the best rests I’ve ever had.
– Lo, 2024
Chris and Carol are warm and welcoming, and definitely fulfilling their purpose and calling with this work. The EES energy medicine womb space they have set up holds an energy that is soft, peaceful and nurturing. The healing session is likely to bring a range of experiences and outcomes based on your intention, need and desire. I suggest being open to the highest possible outcome.
I’m definitely noticing positive change and love the energy. The chronic pain level in my body has dropped considerably. I felt all the body systems activating and responding during the 2 hr. session. Feeling very blessed.
– Kohia, 2024
I felt immediately relaxed upon entering Carol & Chris’s beautiful EE System sanctuary. The energy in her space was powerful yet very gentle. During the EE System experience I received visions that helped clear current emotional misalignments. The energy is still being felt and settling in a few days later. I now have more energy and stamina and am naturally wanting to be more mindful of fostering and maintaining an alkaline body. I thoroughly recommend experiencing this wonderful technology to assist wellbeing within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Although I didn’t have any physical maladies to remedy that I was aware of, it helped my emotional and spiritual wellbeing immensely.
– Helen, 2023
After my first session in the EE system I had many benefits on multiple layers. I had pulled a muscle and tendon in my wrist which had been painful for 2 weeks that completely went away, I could feel emotional pockets in my body vibrate and release during the session and the following days brought many more wonderful synchronicities. I highly recommend it.
– Cherilyn-Rose, 2023
13.12.23 1st session – Message channeled and written down during the EES Session to share:
We’ve been waiting for you. We welcome you.
(I asked who was speaking) –
Yes, we are an energy of a higher, much higher level
Not in any form or shape. Pure energy.
Don’t be afraid. All is well and in it’s perfect timing.
(Personal message for me) – Every person is part of the journey. Some will evolve and some will not.
Hold space for those and be patient but do not lessen yourself.
Put yourself first.
This is not selfish but it is survival.
21.12.23 2nd session
Just Be as you are. You are enough.
We, the higher Ones, as you call us are here. This is the energy of the future.
May you hold this thought as that evolves the consciousness of the so-called future, which is of course now.
Yes, all your Team are here.
Your future is set as you wish it to be.
You hold this energy for so many and you are loved by so many. Maybe not understood. But you are of the so-called future.
Cosmically all is aligned however it needs more/higher raising of the consciousness to come to the best outcome.
My question – What is best outcome?
Heaven on Earth as it should and was planned to be.
Make that connection everyday as you are a conduit and the more you gather the stronger this will be.
Share this message wide.
Expansion of self and live in the present. All will be well. Many blessings.
– Lynley, 2023
The EE System has transformed my life in a few ways, and this after the very first session. This is why I highly recommend it!
Two days after my first session with the EE System I started to walk normally and without any pain in my lower extremities. Being pain free and having flexible mobility that day was a luxury that I had not had for the last 12 months. A few mornings later I woke up and was keenly aware of my Higher Self and Guides around me. I had not been able to hear my Higher Self and Squad in Spirit, for personal guidance for the last 5 years and suddenly I could hear them. During the session I felt sensations in areas of my body that at the time was in pain. I also felt strong impressions on my lower back, like a Kundalini awakening experience. Great Healing!
– Rose, 2023
Thank you so much Carol for the EESystem session! It was truly amazing and so relaxing! Feeling the energy going through my body and the blockages being cleared was truly something!
The relaxation was next level! Can’t wait for my next session. So blessed and lucky to have you here in Auckland with this system! Thank you for bringing it here ❤️
– Renee, 2023
My partner and myself have been into Carol & Chris’s EE System on three separate occasions. It is a beautiful space. Very relaxing, peaceful and private. It was very easy to go into a meditative space (eyes closed) in order to make the most of this energy. We are both in our 50’s and had been detoxing regularly for a long time prior to going plus we have our own Iteracare wands. We noticed big gains in energy and general wellbeing the following weeks. We find that this energy helps to center us and helps to release any negative patterns/programming. This energy helped to speed up our journey to finding the spiritual side of ourselves which is something we knew very little about a year or so ago. Carol has been instrumental in helping us. Her knowledge and abilities are amazing.
– Stephanie, 2023
OMG, as I left the EES room tonight it was just like when I was 12 years old putting on my first pair of glasses (for distance), so clear and crisp, all outline of shapes clear and crisp. This healing is amazing!
– Beverley, 2023
I feel 100x better. All my fear, anxiety, and insecurities are gone (after 1 session). I feel a lot more peaceful and like I can flow with life again. Thank you so much!!
– Zoe, 2023
I felt very tired this morning but after the session, I felt much better. Thank you!!! During the session, I felt so relaxed as if I was taking a bath in a hot spring!
– Yumi, 2023
I’m very curious about the ‘hidden technologies’ that have been denied to humanity for years! I believe one of these technologies is EES which is now available to us. What a blessing!
We are living through such epic times, as a species, on and with Earth, we must take individual and collective responsibility to purge the old non-functional/minimizing aspects of ourselves/ of life itself, and consciously evolve into our individual and collective power(s) thus becoming intentionally consciously aware individuals, living our best lives, fulfilling our divine destinies and consciously contributing to the ascension/evolution of all life everywhere. Thank you, Carol and Chris, for initiating EES in Auckland. Thank you to all those, seen and unseen, who have made EES a reality.
– Anon, 2023
This is my second EES Session: After 20 min lying on the bed, I felt some sparkle sensations on my arms first and then throughout my whole body. A bit later, while my eyes were closed, I saw some energy which was becoming balanced. And then I saw some kind of white soft clouds coming and going like a wheel. A large indigo blue circle stayed over me, I just wanted to be absorbed in it. I thought it was a blanket over my head that was creating that sensation so I decided to change my lying position but it was still there. I fell asleep for 20 min afterwards. When I woke up, I felt like my body was uplifted and felt so so much softness all around my body and my arms. I felt very expanded. I moved my arms and legs in all direction freely. The feeling was so light and expanded, and I felt very beautiful. Thank you.
– Catherine, 2023
DISCLAIMER: Energy Medicine/ Carol Bird is intended to have this platform to have people sharing their personal experiences and are in no way medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it.