Testimonials for Carol
Know the Experience
This non touch healing method works with the electromagnetic field of the body and helps to reduce pain and migraines, balance hormones, aid fertility problems, clear physical/emotional/mental trauma, balance and energise your Auric field and chakras so that joy, health and well-being can be experienced as cell frecuency increased.

” Our beautiful Ginger Ollie Cat feel very unwell, very quickly with 4 seizures over 24 hours, diarrhea, lethargy and listlessness. After I’ve been to our Vet, the recommendation is rigorous, excessive and invasive testing. I decided to book an appointment with Carol instead. Two hours later after the healing session, he was a totally different cat- no more seizures thereafter and although very, very tired he didn’t look anywhere near as bad as he had on the first afternoon of being unwell. It was incredible and humbling to observe Carol whilst she spent her hour with Ollie. Carol also applied an X39 patch (Lifewave) on Ollie and asked to continue using patches for five days. After 3 days, he is back to his golden eyed, bushy tailed best! Eating well engaging as he usually does and resting peacefully. At one stage I was concerned about how little he was eating & drinking and how sleep he was. Carol reassured me with the words “Trust the Universe” and I did.
Thank you Carol for saving Ollies life and changing his life henceforth. It has been an absolutely miraculous recovery and an incredibly humbling experience to observe you offer your fit of healing to Ollie. I’m very grateful and lots of love.”
– Ginny, Ollie, Ollie’s other human family members and his canine companions, Auckland

” Holy Hell, what a big difference that session made. I’m floating around in a different world today. It seems yesterday’s clearing was quite big. Thank you for your help, very grateful.”
– John, Auckland
BIG Ah-Ha Moment

” First session with Carol= awesome session alright. Everything Carol said about the children made so much sense, a big Ah-Ha moment. I am feeling so much more at ease now that I have gained some insight and that some blockages have been cleared. She is absolutely mind blowing!! Really gifted.”
– Sandrine, NZ

“After my long-time partner and I decided to go separate ways, my life became rollercoaster! As a result of all, I moved to Europe and decided to find peace but still, after 1.5 years I was my heart broken and emotionally I was not free!
Carol was recommended to me by a friend. I contacted her and we agreed to have 3 energy healing sections by Zoom!
This was an experience I didn’t have before and I required mental strength to follow Carol but I’m on the other side now! My energy is strong, no more self-questioning – now I feel at peace with myself and the past!
I can make free decisions and feel strongly that they are good for me!
Carol is very kind and supportive throughout the process!
I hope my words will help anyone who is ready to discover their own potential!”
– Rosy, Portugal

” I found Carol to be a highly intuitive and compassionate healer who gave me remarkable insights into the spiritual and emotional blocks that lay behind my lifelong ear problems, which were causing me a lot of distress at the time. After three sessions, my tinnitus has improved, and my fear, negativity and despair has been replaced by a sense of peace, lightness, and optimism. I am also still benefitting from the spiritual practices she taught me. I highly recommend her services.”
– Amanda, Auckland

” Thank you so much for a very special session. I could see in my mind’s eye that I was surrounded by a group of golden glowing beings. It was so beautiful and the love they sent me brought tears to my eyes. So much to process and integrate. Thank you again.”
– Luke, Auckland

I have no lower back pain, I went for a walk after the healing session. I couldn’t believe it! Also, my blocked jaw was not blocked, and I can open my mouth in the morning. It was amazing!
– Ioana, Auckland

“I was feeling very unsettled and out of balance, finding it hard to be present. After the healing, I was more calm, centered and more able to remain present. Definitely more in control of situations happening in my life. Carol gives a level of understanding that also enables you to feel empowered in self and your surroundings even amongst the chaos!”
– Tracey, Auckland

“After sessions with Carol, she cleared the entity attachment from me, which was causing fatigue, and doubt, within hours, I was feeling cleared headed, energized and refocused. I have been to visit Carol many times for ongoing sessions for my spiritual path, (I have been to many healers over the past 30 years), I find her work truly amazing, and I recommend her to all my friends.”
– Rochelle, Auckland

“My friend introduced me to Carol and said how amazing she is. Carol is a very beautiful soul. She is intuitive, empathic and gets results. Your time with her is special and you get changes. I had a neck injury that had plagued me for over thirty years and Carol removed the blockage and I no longer have headaches or neck pain that interrupt my sleep. This has made a huge positive impact on my life. Carol has a unique gift and beautiful energy. Thank you for your help.”
– Anne, Auckland

“Carol’s craft as an spiritual healer is a true blessing to all, her experience, guidance and insight is so invaluable to me moving forward with my spiritual path. I feel very fortunate to have a caring, loving person support me and be on my side.”
– Phil, Auckland

“It feels like you are touching inside me but without touching. When you move your hands slowly above my body, I can feel the heat and it feels really hot inside of me. I can feel very hot on my ear and the side of the head (when you are working on it). You found the parts where I feel sore.”
– Cyrus, age 6, Auckland

“Had an auric magnetic healing session today with Carol Bird. She was very accurate with my areas of concern, she then removed alot of “stuff” from me. Money well spent and do I feel better, a huge yes I do. Thank you Carol and I’ll be back to see you the next time I’m in Auckland.”
– Gary

“Carol offers a unique auric and spiritual rejuvenation. It amazes me every time I see her the things she shows me about myself and the areas that need balancing and working on. Incredible intuitive and a wonderful kind person. It’s been a blessing to come across her. Thank you Carol for all you do.”
– Aubrey, Auckland

“My dog Molly ( a 11-years old golden retriever) had a neck nerve damage, her bottom left eye lid was dropping and walking very unsteady and tripping quite a lot. After a few distance healing sessions over a few months, her eye is back to normal and she walks a lot better and not tripping as much, plus she is able to go downstairs herself!”
– Phoebe, U.K.

“Taffy my 14 year old Huntaway X dog, who isn’t on any medication, had been unsettled for a few weeks so I took her along to try some aura magnetic healing with Carol. During the first two half hour sessions, although restless, walking around, laying down, standing up, drinking water and wanting to go out to the toilet she would often look up at Carol and put her paw on her leg to let her know she wanted the healing. After both sessions Taffy was very tired. However in the third session Taffy knew what to expect so she lay down and went to sleep while Carol worked on her for an hour. After Carol finished Taffy remained asleep in the room for another 50 minutes when eventually she woke up!
– Anna, Auckland

“I have had about 3 distance healing session from Carol now. I suffer from chronic migraine and have to take amitriptyline daily to try and prevent the migraines coming. I also get a very stiff neck. I keep fit and cycle about 150 km per week. The first time I had the healing session I described to my wife 3 specific sensations immediately after the session that I had felt during the session. Carol then sent a graphic showing 3 areas of blockages she had found in my body and it tied in exactly with the sensations I had felt. I am normally a bit skeptical about things like this but it was uncanny what Carol had found in my body. The other 2 sessions have been very soothing to my upper back/ neck muscles and given me a general feeling good factor. I would recommend trying it. ”
– Peter, U.K.

“Your therapies had been a huge comfort for me, I felt so good afterwards, so magical!”
– Eleen, Hong Kong

“After the first session with Carol, straight away I felt a real difference. I had a lot of pain with old sporting injuries but I felt the pain had subsided. Now I had 3 sessions of healing, I honestly feel the best I have in a long time. It did not cure (my injuries) but definitely, I felt a lot less pain. Thank you Carol. If I wasn’t heading over to Australia, I would definitely continue with you. “
– Mike, Auckland

“It feels a lot less stiff after the healing on my (sore) knee, then I get a good night sleep. I feel lighter. Actually a lighter spirit too.”
– Lorelai, Auckland

“It’s amazing when the right people enter your life at just the right time. This is how I felt after my first Auric Magnetic Healing session with Carol. I didn’t need to tell Carol all the emotional pain that I had been through she could see it and feel it. Some sessions I felt light as a feather and others a little tired while my mind and body processed the negative energy’s that carol had bought to the surface and whooshed away. Carol was incredible for me, she made me feel comfortable and valued all the time. I saw my councillor when I got back to the U.K. and she said I had been reborn.
Thank you Carol from the bottom of my heart, you saved me.”
– Melanie from U.K. visited Auckland

“Encountering Carol is an amazing journey in my life which I feel a surging energy from head to toe.
My body has been suffering from insomnia and anxiety over the past years. I feel that every part of my body no longer feels right. Insomnia has been my main struggle. I have used Chinese, Western medicine and acupuncture over the years with no major improvement until I had sessions of energy healing which included chakra clearing and meditation practices with Carol. This was the major turning point of my life. I feel lighter now and my overall health has improved. I no longer struggled from insomnia and various physical problems. I also stopped using Chinese medicine since Carol mentored me ways to self-healing and to work with the cosmic energy to improve my health and energy.
During the healing sessions, Carol has taught me to pay attention to my thoughts, emotions and what my body was telling me. I feel that healing is not an overnight thing and understanding the truth behind it, it will be something I would like to learn from Carol in the coming future. I am grateful to you, Carol.
Carol also taught me the law of attraction and manifestation. I used them for the sale of my house recently. It was sold for a miraculously good price! That’s right, it was like magic!
I’m grateful! I hope everyone can feel the cosmic energy that Carol brought through her healing practice.
– MM, Auckland

“At first I was skeptical about healing and things like this. But my panic attacks were severe and unbearable. So I’d thought why not since I’ve tried at so many places. The first few sessions, I was able to feel all blockage within my mind and body clearing. Some of the triggers, resulted from traumas, that lasts for hours have now gone. I’ve also had few distant healings from Carol, again I was skeptical before, but it really does work! I would totally recommend trying it.”
– K, Auckland
DISCLAIMER: Energy Medicine/ Carol Bird is intended to have this platform to have people sharing their personal experiences and are in no way medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it.
Distant Healing
“I have received two distant healing from Carol, one week apart. My initial experience was a warm, safe feeling, as if being surrounded by love. I felt a sensation starting at my feet and moving upwards, it was a pleasant treatment. Over the following days I released a lot of emotions. The second treatment I felt discomfort in my ankle and shoulder and drifted off into a light sleep, again it was pleasant. Since my healings, I have had an offer of work and movement in my life which has been stagnant for sometime. I feel good most of the time and feel as if the weight has been lifted. I have no hesitation in recommending Carol, she has a natural ability, is enthusiastic and is fully committed to helping people. Thank up Carol for taking the time to assist me.”
Tania, Warkworth
Calm Brain Wave
- Deep Relaxation Through Healing
- Feel Ligther and Well-Being

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